Lattice Gauge Theory group

GPU Research Center We are the lattice gauge theory group at the Eotvos University in Budapest, part of the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Faculty of Science.

Currently there are nine members and we are seeking new ones. Positions are available for PhD students and postdocs for 2 - 4 years appointments. If you are interested please email Sandor Katz at or Daniel Nogradi at

Our activities are and were funded by various funding agencies for which we are grateful, these include the Lendulet grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the OTKA-NF-104034 grant of OTKA and the EU Framework Programme 7 grant (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC No 208740.

Timetable of department common room.


Our primary interests are:

  • Chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement in QCD with Wilson fermions
  • Finite chemical potential
  • QCD hadron spectrum
  • Eigenvalue distributions of the overlap Dirac operator
  • Strongly interacting Higgs sector - strong dynamics
  • Conformal gauge theories


Weekly ELFT seminars at the Department of Theoretical Physics

Location: 2nd floor, 2.54, Novobatzky room, 1117 Budapest, Pazmany Peter setany 1/a

If you'd like to receive seminar email announcements please write to

Time: Tuesdays at 14:15

See the archive for seminars since 2014.

  • 1 October 2024, Sandor Varro (ELI)



  • 8 October 2024, Balazs Pozsgay



For students

Our group offers BSc/MSc diploma, PhD and TDK topics in Lattice Field Theory.

Please contact Sandor: or Daniel: in case you are interested.

Current topics include:

  • QCD thermodynamics
  • 2 and 4 dimensional CFT
  • Beyond Standard Model


Matteo Giordano

assistant professor

2009 PhD - University of Pisa, Italy

2010-2010 postdoc - IPhT/CEA-Saclay, France

2010-2012 postdoc - University of Zaragoza, Spain

2012-2015 postdoc - ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary

2015-2018 postdoc - Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary

Sandor Katz


2001 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary

2001-2003 postdoc - DESY, Hamburg, Germany

2003-2005 postdoc - University of Wuppertal, Germany

2006-2012 assistant professor - Eotvos University, Hungary

2012- professor - Eotvos University, Hungary

Tamas Kovacs


1996 PhD - UCLA, USA

1996-1998 postdoc - University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

1998-2000 postdoc - University of Leiden, the Netherlands

2000-2002 postdoc - DESY, Zeuthen, Germany

2002-2011 professor - University of Pecs, Hungary

2011- senior researcher - ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary

2020- professor, Eotvos University, Hungary

Daniel Nogradi


2005 PhD - University of Leiden, the Netherlands

2005-2007 postdoc - University of Wuppertal, Germany

2007-2009 postdoc - UCSD, USA

2009-2011 senior research fellow - Eotvos University, Budapest

2012 - 2020 assistant professor - Eotvos University, Budapest

2020- professor - Eotvos University, Budapest



Attila Pasztor


2015 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary

2016-2018 postdoc - Wuppertal University, Germany

2018- postdoc - Eotvos University, Hungary


Zoltan Tulipant


2020 PhD - University of Debrecen, Hungary

2020 - postdoc - Eotvos University, Hungary




David Pesznyak

PhD student

2021- Eotvos University, Hungary


Gyorgy Baranka

PhD student

2021- Eotvos University, Hungary


Former members

Kornel Kapas

PhD student

2023- postdoc, Technical University, Hungary

2018-2023 Eotvos University, Hungary

Lorinc Szikszai

PhD student

2016 - 2023 Eotvos University, Hungary

Gergely Endrodi

2009 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary

2010-2015 postdoc - University of Regensburg, Germany

2016- Emmy Noether group leader - University of Frankfurt, Germany

2020- professor - University of Bielefeld, Germany

Santanu Mondal

2013 PhD - University of Calcutta, India

2013-2016 postdoc - Eotvos University, Hungary

2016-2018 postdoc - National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

2018- postdoc - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Ferenc Pittler

2013 PhD - University of Pecs, Hungary

2013-2016 postdoc - Eotvos University, Budapest

2017- postdoc - Bonn University, Germany




Csaba Torok

2017 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary

2017- postdoc - Wuppertal University, Germany


Balint Toth

2005-2006 research assistant - University of Wuppertal, Germany

2007 assistant lecturer - University of Pecs, Hungary

2010 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary

2010- postdoc - University of Wuppertal, Germany



Norbert Trombitas

PhD student

2015 PhD - Eotvos University, Hungary



Zoltan Varga

PhD student

2018- Eotvos University, Hungary




Since it is tricky to locate all papers by a large number of people whose names are not unique on inspire, you can try various search queries:


Our group has access to a number of high performance computer installations in Europe and also maintains several PC and GPU clusters on site in Budapest.

For visitors

Our department is on the Buda side of the Danube very close to the Petofi Bridge, the address is Budapest 1117, Pazmany Peter setany 1/A:

The Department of Theoretical Physics is on the sixth floor opposite the Danube facing side of the building: